Intelligent BioInformatics
Medical Device technology

Cardiac Rhythm Management for people on the move

Now operating under New Name: Intelligent BioInformatics: 

Heart rhythm management device development. Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Machine Learning. Device design, development and implementation

Development and Sales of electronic heart rhythm control and delivery tools.



Please contact Intelligent BioInformatics for additional information

We are also present at the 2024 iiScience conference (SPIE event, a non-profit organisation dedicated to advancing the scientific research and engineering applications); bringing together experimentalists, theorists, mathematicians and info-scientists on a common platform to inspire and share state-of-the-art research and development. 

The conference covers high-tech Methods, Materials and Devices from the perspective of Physical, Signals, Chemical and Biological Sciences and resulting applications in the area of information science, energy and impact on human lives and environment.

Smart Sensing for e-Healthcare Applications using IoT, AI and ML Technologies